Integrating photovoltaic solar panels onto historic protected sites has often been a problem without a real solution. However, an important milestone has been reached in the village of Ecuvillens, located in the Swiss canton of Fribourg, where terracotta-red solar panels have been installed on the roof of a farmhouse. Developed by CSEM (Swiss center for microelectronics and microtechnologies) and ISSOL Suisse, this technology allows the farmhouse to fully retain its original character. This pilot project was made possible thanks to the relevant government agencies (the Department of Energy and the Department of Cultural Property) and the support provided by the
Next Generation Photovoltaics – Colorful solar facade
Next Generation Photovoltaics takes colorful aspects. The photovoltaic glazings of the project "LA CREA" in Rouen (France) are currently in production in the workshops of ISSOL in Dison (Belgium). They will dress the new headquarters of the Metropolitan Normandy Rouen on the left bank of the Seine river. This is a colorful photovoltaic building, with spectacular lines by the architect Jacques Ferrier. 2,000 m2 of solar panels of the next generation will create a facade of colored solar glass on which will reflect light. Color effects will be multiplied through reflections in the nearby Seine, as a nod to Impressionism
ISSOL Archi – Auditorium at ‘The City of Music’, PARIS
‘The City of Music’ (Philharmonie) located on Seguin Island, a landmark of Paris city, is under construction. The project, by Shigeru Ban Architects, Europe and Jean Gastines Architectes, is crowned by a unique object: An auditorium with 1000 seats whose seating is a mesh of wood and glass The sail of the auditorium will be solar. This metallic structure of 160 T rests upon motor carriages and a roller as well as has a fulcrum at its top. The structure provided by the company, Baudin Chateauneuf, will move around the auditorium, following the path of the sun at a speed
Advanced Bullding Skins Conference in Switzerland On October 10-11-2016.
ISSOL is participating as an exhibitor and speaker of a conference in Switzerland on October 10-11,-2016. We are happy to sponsor this event, along with other multidisciplinary industries working to reduce energy consumption of buildings.
A high-tech platform for ISSOL with CSEM in Neuchâtel
Imagine ... a building whose colorful facades generate electricity. You no longer have to imagine this active building asset. It is no longer a dream. ISSOL is a reality. To make it more efficient, it is associated with the CSME, Swiss Center for Electronics and Micro-technology, a public-private research center based in Neuchâtel. ISSOL has been offering architects with innovative solutions that can integrate Photovoltaics in any construction for the past ten years. The motto is BIPV. Meaning Building Integrated Photovoltaics. This concept, associated to the energy of tomorrow – taken up by Jeremy Rifkin- is to construct architectural structures, for
ISSOL Dichroic PV glazing
Facades and glass canopies take a poetic look with the new ISSOL Dichroic PV glazing. They bring colors, glaring and shadows effects at the same time for the most ambitious projects. Photovoltaic is no longer a technological object; it is the new opportunity for architectural composition. The product is available now. It is certified in respect with the construction and photovoltaic norms.
Un tremplin high-tech pour ISSOL avec le CSEM de Neuchâtel
Imaginez… un édifice dont les façades colorées produisent de l’électricité. Vous n’avez plus à imaginer ce bâtiment actif. Ce n’est plus du rêve. ISSOL en fait une réalité. Pour la rendre plus performante, elle s’est associée avec le CSME, Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique, un centre de recherche public-privé basé à Neuchâtel.
Pour la CREA à Rouen, ISSOL, le verrier solaire d’un impressionnisme actif avec labels Passivhaus et BEPOS
La Normandie est, on le sait, le berceau de l’impressionnisme autour de l’illustre figure de Claude Monet (1840-1926). Pour donner une touche impressionniste au bâtiment futuriste que la CREA (Communauté Rouen Edbeuf Austreberthe) construit sous les labels Passivhaus et BEPOS sur la rive gauche de la Seine, elle fait appel au talent d’ISSOL, PME wallonne qui est implantée dans le zoning des Plénesses à Dison (province de Liège). C’est l’occasion de mettre l’accent sur le beau savoir-faire d’ISSOL pour intégrer de façon esthétique à l’architecture la production d’électricité propre à partir de la lumière solaire.
ISSOL’s multicolored PV glazings like a Claude Monet painting. A green building with PassivHaus and BEPOS labels
Normandy, as we know, is the cradle of Impressionism like the illustrious figure Claude Monet (1840-1926). To give an Impressionistic touch to the futuristic building that CREA (Community Edbeuf Rouen Austreberthe) built with Passivhaus and BEPOS labels on the left bank of the Seine, it called upon the talent of ISSOL, Belgian company, which set up the zoning of Plénesses in Dison (Province of Liège). This is an opportunity to highlight the fine knowledge of ISSOL to integrate aesthetics with architecture that supply clean electricity from sunlight.
Photovoltaïque deuxième génération – Façade solaire colorée
Nos panneaux solaires de deuxième génération prennent des aspects colorés. Les vitrages photovoltaïques pour le projet de la "LA CREA" à Rouen sont actuellement en production dans les ateliers d'ISSOL à Dison. Ils vont habiller le nouveau siège de la Métropole Rouen Normandie sur la rive gauche de la Seine. Il s'agit d'un bâtiment photovoltaïque coloré, aux lignes spectaculaires signé par l'architecte Jacques Ferrier. 2000 m2 de panneaux solaires de seconde génération vont créer une façade des verres photovoltaïques colorés sur laquelle viendra refléter la lumière. Les effets de couleurs seront démultipliés grâce aux reflets dans la Seine toute